What the Friends do now
On completion of the restoration an audio guide was produced, a recording made of Music of the Catholic Apostolic Church and a guidebook was prepared. We then settled into our standard Open Days on the 2nd Sunday of each month and as many days as possible during the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Our Open Days are increasingly well-attended and our membership is steady. New members are always welcome to join the Friends and additional volunteers are always needed to join our team of greeters and guides.
We have commissioned seven free-standing banners giving key information on particular aspects of the building and the murals and these are set out in the nave on Open Days. Two eye-catching welcome banners have also been prepared and these hang on the railings by the entrance door when we are open. Gallery stools have been purchased to provide resting places for weary visitors.
We have produced cards, postcards and bookmarks which are regularly updated and we now stock Elizabeth Cumming’s books on the artist, published by the National Galleries of Scotland. All of these are for sale, with profits going towards the upkeep of the murals.
Our Symposium in 2017 celebrated 25 years of the Friends and we visited Phoebe’s Colinton home and laid flowers on her grave. We welcome the Edinburgh University International Summer School each year and now have return visits by various companies and organisations e.g. providing holidays or visits for art lovers.
We produce an annual newsletter and arrange occasional outings to places of interest to our members.
We issue one or two newsletters each year, depending on what news we have. Copies of our newsletters are archived by The Edinburgh Central Library and The National Library of Scotland.
No 84 2024
No 83 2023
No 82 2023
No 80 2022
No 20 1998
No 1 1992