The Mansfield Traquair Trust
In September 1993 a Trust was formed in response to public concern about the deterioration of the condition of the Church in Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, damage to Phoebe Anna Traquair’s murals and the lack of an acceptable or viable use for the building, Ian Dunn, the convener of the Friends became the first chairman of the Trust. National Heritage Lottery funding of £2.8 million was awarded in October 1997 dependent on the Trust being able to buy the church. A compulsory purchase order was granted but before this could be enacted the Trust intervened and the purchase was finalised in February 1998 at a cost of £301,000. It took a further four years for the Mansfield Traquair Trust to commission the extensive building work required and to oversee the restoration of the murals. This increased the overall cost to £3.8 million by 2005. Additional donations came from a variety of sources including Historic Scotland.
The Trust has 5 Free Days at their disposal each year, to be used to benefit the local community. Visit their website for more information about the building, the murals and the restoration.